Regulatory Bodies & Partners

Public Health England

The Practice has a contract with Public Health England (PHE) Dental X-ray Protection Services. PHE provide radiation protection advice, medical physics expertise, quality assurance, CPD qualifying training and X-ray equipment assessments. By following PHE advice dentists and practice staff can feel assured they are meeting the requirements for the safe use of X-ray equipment in their practice. Our services are offered in one easy to arrange contract.

Many dental trade companies use PHE for X-ray assessments and have appointed PHE as their radiation protection adviser. PHE help dental trade companies to meet the legal requirements for the safe installation, relocation, modification or servicing of an X-ray set. Our service to dental X-ray engineers is comprehensive and arranged in one simple contract.

General Dental Council (GDC)

The General Dental Council regulates dental professionals in the UK, maintaining standards for the benefit of patients. As members the Dental professionals have a duty to keep their skills and knowledge up to date.

A primary qualification is only the first step in their education and development which should last throughout their professional life.

We require all registrants to undertake continuing professional development (CPD) to maintain their registration. This is because we believe CPD makes a contribution to supporting registrants to maintain our Standards and patient protection.
Anyone intending to restore to the GDC’s registers in the future must also keep doing CPD because they will be required to show evidence of it if they seek to restore.

CPD for dentists and DCPs is defined in law as activity which contributes to their professional development and is relevant to their practice or intended practice.


BSHAA is the professional body which represents and promotes the interests of the independent hearing aid profession mainly within Great Britain and Northern Ireland but globally too. Members are highly trained hearing care professionals who have extensive and unrivalled experience and knowledge of the hearing instruments that are available to help with hearing loss.


he mission of BSDHT is to represent the interests of members and to provide a consultative body for public and private organisations on all matters relating to dental hygiene and therapy. We aim to work with other professional and regulatory groups to provide the highest level of information to our members as well as to the general public.

British Orthodontic Society

The Society strives to promote the study and practice of orthodontics, to maintain and improve professional standards in orthodontics and to encourage research and education in orthodontics. In doing so, BOS seeks to improve the quality of medical care for the benefit of patients. The charity’s ultimate beneficiaries are therefore patients, and benefits to patients are provided through the advancement of knowledge, practice and standards in the specialty.

Other bodies we work with